EV Electricity Cost Calculator

See how much it costs you to run your EV.

Use this EV Electricity Cost Calculator to see your cost per mile, month, and year.

1. Enter your EV’s kWh / 100 miles

36 kWh is typical. Find how much electricity your EV uses per 100 mi by using the search bar below.

2. Enter your annual mileage

15,000 miles per year is typical for US drivers. What’s your estimated annual mileage?

3. Enter the price you pay per kWh

15.46 cents was the US average in July 2022 (source: eia.gov). You can find your rate on your most recent bill.

This calculator has been prepopulated with results that are typical in the US.


Lowest cost per mile for an electric car


Average cost to drive an electric car 25 miles


Lowest cost per year for an EV (15,000 miles)


Most expensive cost p/y for an EV (15k mi)

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The EV landscape is complex and muddied by $$. We provide impartial, helpful, data-driven insights to simplify and add transparency to the landscape.
